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Welcome to Sedov Online!

The purpose of this website is to promote the Volgograd region, its flora and fauna and the small idyllic villages within the region.

We have made it our mission to bring the region's villages closer to the general public, promoting its flora, fauna, local produce as well as keeping old traditions and values alive.

Each day more and more of the old traditions and crafts that were handed down from one generation to the next are disappearing in today's fast paced and technology driven World. Although the advancements in technology over the last decades have brought a lot of improvements to our daily lives, old traditions and crafts are slowly becoming extinct. In an effort to keep such traditions alive, we have created this site and are actively working with members of the surrounding villages to promote their local produce, which we also offer in our Online Shop. This does not only provide an additional income for the village's local population but more importantly it also provides an efficient means to promote the region.

Over the past few years, traditional villages are making a come-back among the younger generations. It is our strong belief that in the near future there will be a dramatic increase of young families moving back to the villages in order to live a more sustainable life. Not only thanks to an environmentally aware generation but also due to climatic changes over the past years, a more sustainable lifestyle has gained significant popularity.